Friday, 14 August 2015

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Do you know? There are 100s of types in software testing

What are the different types of software testing?

There are more than 100 types of software testing techniques available. Following are some of the popular software testing types that every software tester should be aware of.

1. Black Box Testing

    This is a type of testing where the functionality and requirements are focused in every tests. The internal system design factor is neglected in this type of testing.

2. White Box Testing (Glass Box Testing)

    White Box Testing is comprised of tests which could examine the logic of each and every module of a software. For this type of testing, the tester needs to posses adequate programming skills and knowledge on concept of that software. White Box Testing is also known as Glass Box Testing.

3. Unit Testing

    Each and every modules of the software are tested individually in this type of software testing. The tester who performs unit testing should have in-depth knowledge on the coding and logic implemented in that particular software. Thus unit testing is often performed by the programmers.

4. Integration Testing

    As the name describes, Integration testing involves testing the overall functionality of integrated modules of the software. During these tests, the tester can examine whether each and every module of the software is integrated properly or not. This kind of testing is very important in software applications which involves client/server concepts and distributed systems.

5. Incremental Integration Testing

    In this testing, the functionality of the application is tested one after another continuously. The modules and the functionality of the application should be independent from each other in order to perform this "incremental integration testing".

6. Functional Testing

    This type of testing does not focus on any internal parts of the software and test whether the output meets the desired requirements or not. This is similar to back box testing

7. System Testing

This is a Black-box type testing where the according to the requirements, the entire system is tested.

8. End-to-End Testing

This is more or less similar to System Testing. In this testing process, the application environment which makes use of database, network communications, hardware and external systems or applications is tested.

9. Sanity Testing

Mostly, this type of testing is used for testing the performance of the new version of software. It tests whether the software crashes unexpectedly on initial use.

10. Regression Testing

Regression Testing is well suited to test the entire software as a whole which includes every module. This type of testing is familiar for testing for modifications or inclusion of a new functionality without affecting the working of other modules.

11. Acceptance Testing

The requirements specified by the customer on software are tested with the hep of Acceptance Testing.

12. Load Testing

This testing checks the performance of the software while loading. It determines the breaking point of failure point of a software on loading.

13. Stress Testing

The capacity of the software on heavy load is tested with the help of this "Stress Testing". For example, the storage capacity, database, huge input stream to the software of database is checked.

14. Performance Testing

This testing is accompanied to "Stress" and "Load" Testing to check the performance of the software in terms of loading and performing database operations.

15. Usability Testing

The flow of the software while the user is using it is determined with this test. The user-friendliness of the software in terms of understanding the functionality and navigation of the software is estimated with the help of this testing.

16. Uninstall/ Install Testing

Excluding the functionality, performance and other internal factors of the software, this testing only tests the installation and un-installation process of a software in an operating system.

17. Recovery Testing

The possibilities of the software crash is not testing this testing but it tests how effectively the software recovers once it got crashed.

18. Security Testing

Mostly this type of testing is conducted to make sure the software is not vulnerable to hackers or any unauthorized harmful access to the software. This testing also includes the protection of the database from hacking.

19. Compatibility Testing

This testing checks whether the software is compatible to the operating systems, hardware components, networks and other applications required by the customer.

20. Comparison Testing

This testing is conducted on newly developed version of a software to estimate its benefits and advancements from its preceding versions.

21. Alpha & Beta Testing

Alpha Testing is the final testing by the developer in a virtual testing environment.

Beta Testing involves testing of the software with the real world users. In this a sample trial version is released to the users to test it in real world.

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